Note: Yesterday's anti-immigration order is heartbreaking because it further distances an already fractured world. Where does love and justice fit in?
My soul aches for a love that hugs my heart, stories that soothes my scars and shines like the sun on Sunday morning. A love that dances like diamond dreams in the dawn. A love that longs to lay with me in lavender gardens and lingers to sip liquid laughter. A love that moves in the midst with the mist, breathes beauty, trust truth, kisses kindness, grows from grief and generates genius when we love and makes magic out of moody moons that meander into majestic mornings.
My heart sojourns in search of enchanted eyes, sacred smiles and sweet smells of your sugar that stays after our sojourns of peaceful playfulness, sensual songs, silent shouts and walks around the world together wishing for wise waterfalls to wash us in wonder and wash our worries away into memories who've moved beyond us.
My mind pursues purpose, prophetic protest, justice that is just and creates colorful conversations that connect your cool with my cool, beats that bless us both and regal rhythms that reach to the heavens and hears our holy, holy, holy, holla'.
My body stretches for a hand to hold onto, as we hope for healing when our hearts are broken, and tears that triumph over tragedy.
Is my soul seeking you?